> Cascade 2, Mezz, Floor 2

This is full day workshop on aspects of everyday privacy and freedom which are steadily diminishing because of technology and policy choices, particularly in the “Culture of Security” which has existed since 911. Over a dozen academic, NGO, and private sector experts will lead us through authentication techniques, customer, student, traveller and racial profiling, the implications of new technologies such as sousveillance cameras and wearable computing, RFIDs, biometrics, and internet protocols. Whether you are new to the issues and want a fast course in what is happening, or you are an expert wishing to participate in the discussion following each briefing where solutions and next steps will be explored, this workshop will get you ready for the rest of the conference. A briefing book on the issues discussed will be provided to each participant, and the first twenty registrants will get a chance to win real internet-enabled sousveillance cameras on their conference bags.

The Anonymity Project is a 4 million dollar, four year project which explores the legal, technical, and social and ethical implications of anonymity and authentication in our networked society. Many team members will be participating in this workshop.

8:30 > Welcome and Coffee > Ian Kerr

8:45 > What Happened to Anonymity Research in the Last 10 Years?
> Stephanie Perrin

9:00 > Tailgating on Spyways: Vanishing Anonymity on Electronic Toll Roads
> Catherine Thomson

9:30 > User Identification
> Stefan Brands

10:00 > Travel ID > Ed Hasbrouck

10:30 > ID Everywhere Else > Marcia Hoffman

11:00 > Biometrics > Peter Hope-Tindall


11:45> Panopticism vis-à-vis Criminal Records: Some Socio-legal Implications
> Veronica Pinero

12:15 > LUNCH and RFIDs > Stephanie Perrin

13:15 > Privacy and Anonymity on the Internet
> Ian Goldberg

13:45 > What do DoD and EFF Have in Common?
> Roger Dingledine

14:15 > Beyond the Panopticon: Architectures of Power in DRM > Alex Cameron

14:45 > Consumer Profiling
> Phillippa Lawson

15:15 > Virtual Playground and Buddybots: a Data-minefield for Tinys & Tweenys
> Valerie Steves, Ian Kerr


16:00 > Racial Profiling & Data Mining
> Lillie Coney

16:30 > Video Surveillance
> Simon Davies

17:00 > Sousveillance & Equiveillance
> Steve Mann

17:30 >
Closing Discussion

18:00 > Out of There, Getting Ready of Sousveillance Tour of Seattle

Biometric Basics
> Grand Crescent, Floor 4
In this tutorial you will work towards developing a working definition of Biometrics, work through the architecture of an archetypal biometrics system, understand the different applications of biometrics, review the latest developments in the most common biometric systems (including face, fingerprint, and iris recognition), review the privacy implications of emerging technologies, and discuss the impact of biometric technologies on a panoptic society. > Moderator: Joseph Ferenbok

Identity Theft in 2005
> Cascade 1B, Mezz Floor 2
Keeping an Eye on the Panopticon: Vanishing Anonymity Identity theft is a constantly evolving crime. What are the newest trends? How can this crime affect you, your customers, your employees and your business? What are the newest laws regarding this crime that may affect the way you conduct business? One study suggests that up to 70% of identity theft crimes begin in the workplace. What is your identity theft IQ? Do you know how to minimize your risk of becoming this crimes’ next victim? > Moderator: Jay and Linda Foley, Identity Theft Resource Center

Constitutional Law in Cyberspace
> Cascade 1C, Mezz Floor 2
Tutorial overview of constitutional issues (first amendment, criminal law/due process, privacy, and copyright) aimed at giving attendees a full background on the U.S. Constitutional law issues that will arise during panels and other events at the conference. This tutorial has been conducted with strong reviews for many years—from 1992 to 2004, except for one year—at CFP.

Participating in Cyberlaw and Policymaking
> 5th Avenue Room, Floor 4
This three hour tutorial for computer scientists and technologists will teach participants how the policymaking process works, and how they can participate in cyberlaw-making. The class will cover each of the main avenues for participation in the policymaking process-- legislative, judiciary, executive agency, organization advocacy, in-house, and media-- teaching how those systems work, and using appropriate substantive cyber law and policy topics as case studies for how technologists and scientists have used their particular skills to effect change. > Moderator: Lauren Gelman Noon

12:30-13:30 > LUNCH ON YOUR OWN


Developing An ICT Toolkit For Human Rights Defenders Working in Extreme Situations
> Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4
We’ll use Zimbabwe as a specific case study. It would be good to bring in a panel of experts in a few identified fields and use the audience to provide insight and suggestions in an interactive three hour session. > Moderator: Brenda Burrell

Fundamentals of RFID Technology: Today & Looking Ahead
> Olympic Room, Mezz, Floor 2
Debate about the privacy implications of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is often hampered by a limited understanding of its capabilities and limitations. This tutorial would explain the fundamentals of RFID, including way in which RFID chips and readers work and the manner in which developers anticipate the technology will grow in capability and implementation. In addition, the session would explore the current and anticipated applications for RFID technology in various sectors of the economy. > Moderator: Paula Bruening, CDT

International Copyright Law Developments
> Cascade 1C, Mezz, Floor 2
This tutorial will present an international survey of recent changes to digital copyright law. Experts on international treaty negotiations as well as legal experts and activists from different parts of the world discuss how courts and legislatures are handling digital copyright questions, often very differently. Particular emphasis on different treatment of Peer-2-Peer file-sharing and anti-circumvention laws. > Moderator: Robin Gross, IP Justice > Panelists: Alex Cameron, Pedro Mendizábal, Denise Nicholson, Ville Oksanan, David Tannenbaum, Peter Yu
8:45-9:45 > Opening Debate: Sousveillance in the Panopticon
> Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4
For many years, Dr. Steve Mann has been working on wearable computing. He now goes everywhere recording and broadcasting on the Internet his every movement and experience. As surveillance in society grows, Steve fights back by recording his own version of experience, which he claims as his inalienable right.  Is sousveillance the only weapon individuals have, or are more cameras just adding to the problem? We will hear from a panel of experts with widely divergent views: Dr. Mann, the Cyborg; David Brin, author of The Transparent Society; Dr. Ivan Szekely, drafter of information and privacy legislation in the former eastern bloc state of Hungary; and computer scientist Dr. Latanya Sweeney of Carnegie Mellon. The panel will be moderated by Anita Ramasastry of the University of Washington Law School. > Organizer: Stephanie Perrin; Panelists: Dr. Latanya Sweeney, Dr. Steve Mann, David Brin, Simon Davies, Dr. Ivan Szekely; Session Audio (MP3)
9:45-11:00 > The Privacy Risks of New Passport Technologies
> Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4
As countries worldwide deploy new passport technologies, using RFID tags and biometric data, the privacy implications are enormous. All governments will have to share citizens data, including with undemocratic nations. Additionally, the system may be vulnerable to hackers and terrorists themselves. The technologies may better secure borders and make travel safer. However, the privacy concerns—some overblown, others very real—demand a frank discussion by senior experts from all sides of the issue. (Opening remarks by Kenneth Neil Cukier. Remarks of Frank Moss, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Passport Services: All Files as .zip, Or as individual files: { 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13 }) > Organizer: Kenneth Neil Cukier > Panelists: Ben Hayes, Gus Hosein, Frank Moss, Bruce Schneier, Barry Steinhardt; Session Audio (MP3)

11:15-12:30 > Intelligent Video Surveillance > Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4
Public surveillance is increasingly becoming automated through intelligent or smart camera systems. The panel will discuss what is commercially available, how it is being deployed, how the technology is developing in the next few years, and finally the civil liberties issues. The result will be an engaging introduction and discussion of the latest surveillance technology and its impact upon civil liberties. > Organizer: Rajiv Shah > Panelists: Ron Humberman, Cedric Laurent, Mohan Trivedi, Bruce Whitaker; Session Audio (MP3)
12:30-13:00 > LUNCH

Reforming E-mail and Digital Telephonic Privacy—The Councilman Case and Legislative Proposals
> Baker Room, Mezz, Floor 2
In several court cases, particularly the recent Councilman case, have ruled that when stored in an ISPs facilities, E-mail may be surveilled without consent or notice by that ISP and by the government if it obtains an ordinary search warrant rather than a wiretap warrant. As a result of rulings in the Councilman case, several bills are pending in Congress that would revise the privacy protection afforded by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act to digitized communications, particularly E-mail and digitized telephony. The panel will discuss which, if any of the pending bills should be enacted by Congress. > Organizer: Andrew Good > Panelists: Susan Freiwald, Jennifer Stisa Granick

Art, surveillance and public places
> Vashon 2, Floor 3
The demonstrate camera was online from 1 September - 15 October 2004. The installation allowed anyone with an email account to register at the web site and use a high resolution camera to view what was happening on Berkeley’s Sproul Plaz, the birth of the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley. The camera could be manipulated over the Internet by users, allowing it to focus in, at close range, on individuals and objects. Each user could take and post up to five images a day at the project web site. The project was designed to make people think about privacy in public spaces in conjunction with the 40th Anniversary of the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley. The installation demonstrated recent advances in technology to over 4000 people and sparked dialogue about privacy, activism, art and surveillance within and beyond campus. The project was exhibited at the Whitney Museum’s Artport website. The project provides a concrete focal point for discussions about the increasing power of widely available technology to capture and distribute images and what it means for privacy, public lives, activism, reporting, etc. > Organizer: Deirdre Mulligan > Panelist: Ken Goldberg

Adware and Privacy: Finding a Common Ground
> Grand Crescent Room, Floor 4
Adware sits on your computer, monitors everywhere you surf, and then serves up advertisements based on your interests. Years ago, adware would sneak onto your computer when you downloaded a program (think “KaZaA”) and was difficult to remove. That was then. Today, end-user license agreements are clear, no personally identifying information is shared, and removal is easy. So why do people still distrust adware? Privacy activists and senior adware executives debate the issue. > Organizer: Brad Berens > Panelists: Pam Dixon, D. Reed Freeman, Jr., Kurt Opsahl, Avi Naidler; Session Audio (MP3)

Can Cryptography Save Elections?
> Adams Room, Mezz, Floor 2
We are now at a critical decision point for determining what kind of election technologies are best suited to our societal needs. It is particularly relevant that in the host site for CFP, an almost entirely paper-based system has produced an uncertain outcome in the gubernatorial race and a near total lack of voter confidence in the process. Can cryptography provide a solution? > Moderator: Josh Benaloh > Panelists: Dr. David Jefferson, Dr. C. Andrew Neff, Barbara Simons
14:00-15:30 > Plenary: Government CPOs: Are they worth fighting for?
> Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4
In December 2004, a provision passed the US Congress requiring all government agencies to appoint high level Chief Privacy Officers (CPOs). However, few agencies actually have CPOs in place. A panel of different government participants will discuss the current issues with the curent status including: If this is required in law, why doesn't every agency, including the Department of Justice and the State Department, have CPOs today? Where they are in place, do they make a difference? Are there better ways to get agencies to build privacy programs? > Organizer: Ari Schwartz > Panelists: Zoe Strickland, Lisa Anderson, Eva Kleederman, Fred Carter; Session Audio (MP3)
15:30-16:00 > Break
16:00-17:15 > Terrorizing Privacy?
> Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4
European developments and counter strategies The EU countries used to be known for their strong privacy legislation. The last couple of years have presented a serious set-back in human rights protection, as new invasive measures are introduced as part of the so-called “war on terror”. Another worrying trend is the increased policy laundering between national states and EU, and between US and Europe, with the lack of democracy and transparency this implies. The session will critically assess recent EU developments and discuss counter-strategies from civil society. > Organizer: Rikke Frank Jorgenson > Panelists: Alexander Alvaro, Gus Hosein, Meryem Marzouki, Ivan Szekely; Session Audio (MP3)
19:00 > EFF Pioneer Awards > Science Fiction Museum (Buses will be available outside of the Westin, to transport CFP guests to and from the museum).
8:45-10:00 > Observing Hidden Surveillance Structures
> Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4
Discussions of surveillance often consider well-known, large database and information superstructures at the expense of ignoring deeper, lesser known, and sometimes much smaller infrastructures and data flows that impact millions of people on a daily basis. This particular panel will highlight hard-to-find information about data flows and infrastructures that are typically unobserved, but are nevertheless active and profoundly influential areas of surveillance in our society. > Organizer: Pam Dixon; Panelists: Pam Dixon, Matt Curtin; Session Audio (MP3)
10:00-11:15 > Data Mining and Public Records
> Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4
This plenary session will use the expertise of CFP participants to explore solutions to current privacy policy making problems. A panel of experts will represent competing interests in two timely privacy dilemmas: data mining and public records. Audience members will be invited to share creative ideas and the panelists will respond in character, critiquing and/or endorsing these possible solutions from the incredibly talented participants of CFP. > Organizer: Daniel Solove and Cindy Southworth > Panelists: Marcia Hofmann, Doug Klunder, Daniel J. Solove, Cindy Southworth; Session Audio (MP3)
11:15-11:45 > Lunch > 5th Avenue Room, Floor 4
11:45-12:45 > Concurrent Sessions

Seizing Bits: Computer and Data Seizure Across Borders
> Vashon 2, Floor 3
This roundtable discussion with mini-presentations will cover national and international laws addressing computer and data seizure, as well as practical, privacy and technical considerations and alternatives. Grounded in discussions of actual recent seizures and proposed cybercrime treaties, the panel will provide a timely and relevant grounding to the discussion of these policy issues. > Organizer: Ethan Ackerman > Panelists: Ethan Ackerman, Micah Anderson, Kevin Bankston, Orin Kerr, Cedric Laurant, Peter Swire, Devin Theriot-Orr; Session Audio (MP3)

Privacy and Security Risks of Centralized Voter Registration Databases
> Baker Room, Mezz, Floor 2
The Help America Vote Act, passed in 2002, requires that each state create a centralized database of registered voters by 2006. The intent of the drafters of the law was to minimize voter disenfranchisement. But a large centralized database, especially one that is not implemented with adequate security and privacy protections, can introduce new risks - such as identity theft, voter harassment, the padding of voting rolls, and massive voter disenfranchisement - into the voter registration process. > Organizers: Barbara Simons and Lillie Coney; Panelists: Lillie Coney, Erik Nilsson, Jon Pincus, Barbara Simons

Hollywood Films: Fact or Fiction Following 9/11?
> Grand Crescent, Floor 4
An interactive, fun, and informative presentation looking at how post 9/11 reality has quickly approached, and soon might even surpass, the fables dreamed up by the writers of Enemy of the State, Gattaca, Brazil, and Minority Report about constitutional privacy rights being sacrificed for “national security.” If you are interested in a general overview of the latest post 9/11 privacy issues, want to learn how to use Hollywood films as a tool to mobilize community members, or just want to show off your knowledge and win fabulous prizes, this session is for you! > Organizer: Nicole Ozer; Panelists: Nicole Ozer
EFF’s Best Practices for OSP Logging
> Orcas Room, Floor 3
Online service providers (OSPs) are vital links between their users and the Internet, offering bandwidth, email, web and other Internet services. Because of their centrality, however, OSPs face legal pressures from all sides: from users, industry, and government. Here EFF offers information for people who run and use OSPs in order to help them make sound, ethical decisions about how to safeguard private data and preserve freedom of expression online. > Organizer: Kurt Opsahl

Looking Beyond CALEA: The Interception of Internet Communications
> Adams Room, Mezz, Floor 2
A major policy debate of 2004 was whether to extend the wiretapping design mandates of CALEA to the Internet, as the FCC proposes. There is broad agreement among industry and public policy advocates, however, that the FCC’s proposal violates CALEA’s statutory language, and that CALEA is a seriously flawed approach to “wiretapping the Internet.” This panel first looks at the current status of the CALEA debate, and then asks, “if CALEA is not the answer, what is"? > Organizer: John Morris > Panelists: Emily Hancock, John Morris, Jon Peterson, Lee Tien
12:45-13:00 > Break
13:00-14:15 > Mark Hosler of Negativland: Adventures in Illegal Art: Creative Media Resistance and Negativland
> Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4
Pranks, media hoaxes, media literacy, the art of collage, creative activism in a media saturated multi-national world, file sharing, intellectual property issues, evolving notions of art and ownership and law in a digital age, artistic and funny critiques of mass media and culture, so-called "culture jamming" (a term coined by Negativland way back in 1984).... even if you've never heard of Negativland, if you are interested in any of these issues you're sure to find this funny and inspiring presentation worth your time and attention. No lawyers were harmed in the making of this event! Session Audio (MP3)
14:15-15:45 > Strategies for Infusing Code with Values
> Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4
It is well understood that values or biases are embedded in information technologies or code. This panel brings together researchers and developers who will share strategies for incorporating certain values into code. The first half of the panel focuses on understanding how values are embedded in code and how these values can be manipulated. The second half of the panel provides real world experience in incorporating values into code. > Organizer: Rajiv Shah > Panelists: Alan Borning, Lorrie Cranor, John Morris, Rajiv Shah; Session Audio (MP3)
15:45-16:15 > Break
16:15-17:30 > Cyberliberties and the World of Tomorrow—Science Fiction Authors on the Future of Computers, Freedom, and Privacy
> Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4
Science fiction has played a major role in shaping computer technologies and the policies and laws which govern their use. This panel will allow leading authors in the genre to explore what they see as emerging trends that will influence the evolution of free speech and privacy in the digital age. Speculative futurism can provide us with valuable “use case” scenarios and thought experiments that influence policy-makers and technologists to build toward a more open, inclusive civil society rather than one organized by the logic of the Panopticon. Presentations will be followed by a discussion between panelists and the audience.
> Organizer: Annalee Newitz; Panelists: Greg Bear, Cory Doctorow, Eileen Gunn; Session Audio (MP3)
18:00-19:00 > Big Brother Awards > 5th Avenue Room, Floor 4; Session Audio (MP3)
19:30-10:00 >Dinner, Keynote Speaker law professor Daniel Solove , author of The Digital Person: Technology and Privacy in the Information Age> Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4
8:30-9:45 > FISA and the Patriot Act Update
> Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4
This session will update us on the Patriot Act and FISA, what these laws have accomplished, their threats to civil liberties and privacy, as well as to explain the issues and suggest concrete ways to improve the law and government practices. > Organizers: Andrew Grosso and Peter Swire ; Session Audio (MP3)
9:45-11:00 > The Next Generation: Teens Speak Out About Computers, Freedom, and Privacy
> Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4
This panel of local college, high school or middle-school students will be interviewed about how they use these technologies, giving the CFP audience a more direct view of how the next generation looks at computers, freedom and privacy. > Organizer and Moderator: danah boyd > Co-Moderator: Kevin Bankston; Session Audio (MP3)
11:00-11:15 > Break
11:15-12:45 > Lunch: Keynote speaker Bruce Schneier, founder Counterpane Systems and author of Beyond Fear > Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4; Session Audio (MP3)
12:45-13:00 > Break

Datamining PII to Fuel Factory Litigation
> Vashon 2, Floor 3
In recent years, we have seen an unprecedented new trend in mass Internet litigation. Well-funded organizations such as the MPAA, RIAA, DirecTV, and Acacia Research have each launched campaigns expressly intent on suing thousands in federal court at a time. These campaigns are no accident. They fueled by the ability to use technological and legal methods of datamining to identify potential defendants and sue them by the hundreds at costs marginal to the plaintiff. And worse yet, these campaigns have proved profitable. This session to will discuss the tactics and techniques of each such campaign including the specific methods used to access and leverage PII. > Organizer: Jason Schultz

Endangered Gizmos and How We Can Save Them
> Grand Crescent, Floor 4
Instead of preserving the environment for innovation, we ’re killing off tech before we get a chance to explore its capabilities. In the framework of an “endangered devices” list, EFF staffers will outline legal threats to our technological future, including technology mandates and copyright litigation. Along with the threats, we’ll explore the steps technologists can take to save the gadgets and clear the air for innovation. > Organizer: Wendy Seltzer

Accountability, Customization and Privacy: What access to student learning outcomes should be granted?
> Baker Room, Mezz, Floor 2
As fiscal pressures on higher education and opportunities to customize instructional technology increase, will educators be able to refrain from finding ways to reuse information about student learning outcomes? Will employers be able to demand that students grant them access to personalized learning profiles created in order to help students address their shortcomings more effectively? Are existing student privacy laws adequate to protect students from inappropriate releases of data about learning styles and aptitudes? > Organizer: Jane Winn; Panelists: Jacqueline Craig, John Mayer, Jane Winn

Location Tracking: The Future of Surveillance
> Vashon 1, Floor 3
Location tracking is becoming more accurate and ubiquitous. As consumer devices like cell phones and car navigation systems are increasingly equipped with powerful location technologies, law enforcement is beginning to take advantage of these location tracking opportunities. But our privacy laws have not kept up with these technological advances. What does the future hold, and how should we reform our laws?
> Organizer and Panelist: John Morris > Panelists: Alan Davidson, Albert Gidari, Henning Schulzrinne

Unstoppable Speech (or, The Revolution Will Be Podcast)
> 5th Avenue Room, Floor 4
Blogging and other simple, inexpensive personal publishing technologies are becoming mainstream in country after country. They are loosely coupled to a network publishing and update infrastructure (’ping servers’) that makes individual messages difficult to censor. This session will go over the basics of the ping server standards and outline what steps can be taken to make online speech even cheaper, more accessible, and more unstoppable. > Organizer: Scott Rafer; Panelists: Annnalee Newitz, Scott Rafer, Michael Tippett; Session Audio (MP3)
14:00-14:15 > Break
14:15-15:30 > The Economics of Privacy: Market or Regulation?
> Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4
Economic considerations are critical to the protection of privacy: without proper incentives, sophisticated privacy enhancing technologies stay unused and well-meaning laws remain ineffective. In the last 5 years there has been a revival of the economics of privacy. Lively debates have developed on several issues: the costs of privacy protection and privacy invasions; the trade-offs between privacy and personalization; the role of consumer rationality in privacy sensitive decision making. Above all, one question generates heated discussions: does recent economic reasoning favor market solutions or regulation to achieve the proper balance between the sharing and the revealing of personal information? > Organizer: Alessandro Acquisti > Panelists: Robert Gellman, Il-Horn Hann, Jim Harper, Benjamin Hermalin, Curtis Taylor; Session Audio (MP3)
15:30-16:45 > The Accountable Internet: Establishing Trust While Preserving Internet Values
> Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4
The Internet has created immense social and economic opportunities for people around the world. As an open, anonymous, decentralized, geographically unbounded and largely unregulated international communications and commercial environment, however, the Internet is ripe for criminal exploitation. Criminals and terrorists alike take full advantage of the Internet as a network infrastructure enabling them to communicate secretly, conveniently plan and execute offline criminal schemes, and transfer their ill-gotten gains without being detected by law enforcement. This online wrongdoing threatens to undermine the everyday uses and usability of the Internet. Is there a new trust model that can provide safeguards while preserving internet values? > Organizer: Frank Torres; Panelists: Esther Dyson, Ira Rubenstein, Wendy Seltzer; Session Audio (MP3)
16:45-17:30 > Ending Keynote: Bill Scannell > Grand Ballroom 2, Floor 4; Session Audio (MP3)